David Deangelo – Sexual Communication II
Description of Sexual Communication II
Want To Succeed With Women Like Most Men Can Only Dream About? Then Let Me Teach You The Fail-Proof Secret Language Of Sexual Communication
What if I were to tell you that there was a secret language that men and women used to communicate sexual interest to each other…
And what if I were to tell you that if you knew that language you would be able to start making women feel attraction for you instantly…
…but if you didn’t know that language (as most men don’t), women would instantly turn off and never give you a second chance?
What if I further told you that I could teach you this secret language of “Sexual Communication,” and it would instantly change your success level with women for the better?
As you know, truth is often stranger than fiction…
But after many years of carefully studying guys who are successful with women and dating (and going from clueless to very successful with women myself), I’ve figured something out that has gone undetected (or at least undisclosed) by almost every man that has ever lived…
Before I tell you what the secret is, and how it works, I want to share a very interesting story with you…
The Story Of How I Came To Discover Sexual Communication – The Hard Way
A few years ago, when I first started learning how to “meet women,” I decided that it would be a good idea to read everything I could find about the topic.
So I went to bookstores, got on the internet, and bought all the books I could find on the subject. I also went to seminars, listened to audio tapes, and found just about every other source in existence to gather more information.
But before long, I came to realize the painful truth: Most of what I was learning just wasn’t right… I know this because it didn’t work!
Even more shocking: I came to find out that most of these so-called experts were not successful at attracting women themselves!
In short, not only was the advice that I found useless and a waste of years and years of precious time because it didn’t teach how to make women feel attracted to me… even worse: I was learning things that were actually hurting me and reducing my chances of success!
There had to be a better way.
And the answer to my situation, it turned out, was an unusually simple and obvious one…
I Started Learning From The “Naturals”
In other words, instead of listening to what the experts claimed was the right thing to do, I started actually watching with my own two eyes.
I went out and started making friends with guys who were naturally good with women.
I went out and watched, listened, and took careful notes… as I personally observed very successful guys approaching women, getting phone numbers, and in many cases kissing, making out with, and even taking home women they had just met.
After watching them interact with women on many occasions, and making friends with other guys who were really good with women, I started to realize something very profound.
I realized that when these guys started conversations with women, the women they were talking to were talking to them in a way that was very different from the way they were talking to other guys.
And, over the next couple of years, I was able to put the entire puzzle together.
I have to say, it was like trying to put a huge puzzle together in a dimly lit room, without knowing what the picture on the cover looked like… but I did it. And here are 5 amazing things that I figured out:
- There is a secret sexual language that is as real as the English language… and this language is the key to communicating on a sexual level with women. I call this language Sexual Communication
- Women are very fluent in the language of Sexual Communication, but most men are not. Those men that are fluent in this language have incredible success with women. Those that aren’t fluent in it have universally failed with women
- A woman can tell almost instantly if you know the language of Sexual Communication. If you do not know it, the door slams shut and she will not send or receive messages on this level with you… in most cases ever
- Attraction is a topic that very little is known about, yet it is a key to success with women and dating. If you don’t understand what Attraction is, how to trigger it, and how to amplify it, you will always have trouble with women
- Many of the things that trigger Attraction in women are not what our moms taught us to do with women. They must be learned. A woman will never say “Hey, you’re doing the wrong thing here. You’re not making me feel Attraction for you right now with what you’re doing and saying. Here, let me show you how to make me feel Attraction for you…”
It has taken me several years of careful study, testing, refining, interviewing, etc. to figure this language of Sexual Communication out… and to figure out how to explain it in plain, everyday language.
Most men will never figure out “Sexual Communication” by accident… and therefore most men will go to their graves still wondering what the secret to success with women is.
Most men will never figure out “Sexual Communication” by accident… and therefore most men will go to their graves still wondering what the secret to success with women is.
Now, let me ask you a few questions…
What if you knew how to start conversations with women in a way that made them instantly respond to you with electricity?
Basically, what if you could spark conversations with women in a way that made them respond to YOU by flirting, smiling, and becoming attracted?
How would your life be different if you understood the way to magnetically attract women?
Instead of tricking them or trying to “buy” their affections with food, gifts, and compliments (which never works that well anyway), what if you were a guy that women wanted to be around just because your personality attracted them?
Have you always wondered what that magic ingredient was that made women warm up to some guys, but not others?
Here’s a success-proven, behind-the-scenes look into how it works…
Introducing The Fast, Easy, 100% Guaranteed Way To Learn And Master Sexual Communication
I have created what may be the most cutting-edge program ever released on attracting women.
I know that this might sound a little bit hard to believe, but it’s the truth. Take it from someone who has studied just about everything available on the topic… what I’m talking about here isn’t discussed anywhere else.
I call this program Sexual Communication: A Man’s Guide To Understanding And Using The Secret Language Of Attraction… and I 100% guarantee that it will change your life…
What you’ll learn in Sexual Communication II:
- How to let a woman know you are smart, confident, and great in bed, even if you don’t have much experience, in the first 3 seconds of meeting her… without saying a word
- How to use your words and your body to trigger the autopilot responses in a woman that biologically force her to feel attraction for you
- Why women aren’t attracted to Wussies… and how to behave instead so women are attracted to you
- A detailed explanation of what Sexual Tension is, plus how to create it, and how to use it to actually create chemistry between you and the women you want right from the beginning
- How to flirt with women and communicate in exactly the right way to make them feel Attraction for you… all while avoiding the response of “This guy is a pervert who only wants to get into my pants”
- How to use the proven magic formula of Cocky & Funny communication to attract and keep women interested in you
- How to use your body language, voice tone, and eye contact in ways that communicate on a Sexual level with women, and make them respond by feeling a powerful Emotional Attraction
- The 19 qualities of a Sexually Attractive man, with specific word-for-word ways to demonstrate each one to a woman… do just 2 or 3 of these things and you’re in
- 16 Fail-Proof Power Lines – Brand new, word-for-word phrases that make a woman feel powerful sexual attraction for you the instant you say them
- The universal mistake nearly all men make when getting physical that instantly causes a woman to slam on the brakes. She is so used to men making this mistake… that when you DON’T she’ll be the one pushing you to go faster
- How to use different types of innocent physical contact to drive a woman crazy with Anticipation and Sexual Excitement. A surefire way to get her to make the first move… because she won’t be able to stop herself
- The exact, step-by-step process I use to take things from hand holding to the bedroom and beyond, that never fails. This alone is worth 10 times the cost of the program because you’ll use it with every woman you meet for the rest of your life. I can’t wait to share it with you
And that’s just the beginning…
My legendary Sexual Communication program includes over 6 full hours of success-proven techniques, tips, and tools… all of which you can start using RIGHT AWAY!
But what I think you’ll like best about this new program is the countless real-life, word-for-word examples and techniques… 99% of which I’ve never shared anywhere else – or will again.
Every one of them is something you can simply memorize and start using instantly to make women want you… over and over and over again.
About David DeAngelo
Hi, it’s David D. here.
I wanted to take a minute and introduce myself, and the question you are probably asking: “Who is David DeAngelo?”
I’m actually a pretty normal guy, who went through a point where I decided that I needed to get this part of my life called “meeting women” handled.
I won’t bore you with the details, but I was going through a time where I had just moved to a new city… I was single… and I had NO IDEA how to meet women or get dates. One night I was talking to one of my best friends, and I said “I am going to figure this out for myself, no matter what it takes”.
Well, it wasn’t exactly easy to “figure it out”. I spent the next few years reading a lot of books, listening to “motivational tapes”, going to seminars, and generally trying out a lot of whacky ideas that I was learning.
The real “break” came when I started meeting and hanging out with guys that were NATURALLY good with women.
I’m talking about guys who had figured out how to attract women on their own.
As I learned from these guys, I noticed that they did certain things and communicated with women in certain ways that REALLY didn’t “add up”.
Maybe they would make fun of an attractive woman… but the woman would respond by laughing and playfully hitting them on the arm.
Or they’d tell a woman that they didn’t like being treated like a sex object, and that she’d better not try the “buy me a drink trick” just to get a date… and they’d wind up having the woman begging for their number.
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