Master Based – Insta-Bangers 2.0 (New & Upgraded)
Insta-Bangers 2.0 is not a random AI generated low-effort product. It’s handwritten by Master Based who has 10+ years of real life dating experience.
It is meant for the guys who are tired of the so-called useless Scammy ‘Dating Apps’ and want to get LAID fast.
Or guys who have no Online Seduction GAME.
You will also get to know..
✅ HOW TO use the ‘Hunter Mindset’ to position yourself as a High Status Man in front of the 8s,9s and 10s.
❌ HOW TO avoid cheesy pick-up lines that turn women off and make them ghost you.
✅ HOW TO set up an Attractive profile that makes you stand out in the crowd of thirsty simps.
✅ HOW TO Post crispy content all the time that piques the curiosity of women.
✅ ACTIVE and PASSIVE strategies of approaching on Instagram.
✅ HOW TO text so that she wants to qualify for your attention. Not the other way around.
✅ HOW TO use ‘Less is more’ concept when it comes to arouse her in DMs.
✅ HOW TO handle Coldness like a Pro – Make her regret going cold on a high-status man like you.
And lastly..
✅ HOW TO dominate the in-person dating and pick up game with local women who play hard-to-get.
❌ WHAT NOT to do after you have laid with her – Despite her requesting you to do that.
What you’ll learn in Insta-Bangers 2.0
- Module #1: Why Instagram? The Superior Game!
- Module #2: The Sniper Mindset & How To Position Yourself In Dating Marketplace!
- Module #3: The Bare Minimum Efforts – Man Up!
- Module #4: Setting Up Attractive Profile That She Can’t Ignore
- Module #5: Post Like A Boss | Crispy Content That Triggers Her Response
- Module #6: Post Like A Boss | The Art Of Reverse Thirsting
- Module #7: The Geo Surfing | Toolkit To Engage With Local Women
- Module #8: Active & Passive Strategies Of Approach
- Module #9: Dominant Dming| Text Like A Pro
- Module #10: Anti-Simp Injections & Handling Her Coldness
- Module #11: Cheat Code To Female Mindset
- Module #12: How To Stop Being Nervous And Wierd Around Women
- Module #13: Offline Dimension Of Insta-Bangers!
- Module #14: 20 Days Challenge
Insta-Bangers 2.0 shows you exactly how to position yourself as a man women respect, admire, and want to be around.
It’s about building a presence that speaks for itself—without the need for endless swiping, guessing, or chasing.
Without wasting thousands of your hard earned cash on useless dating apps and yet getting rejected blatantly by high body count women.
More courses from the same author: Master Based