Lloyd Lester – TranceGasms
Because these powerful, pleasure-enhancing hypnotic tracks induce a sexual trance…
A new and novel state of arousal that forces her to convulse with a fury of intense, full-body orgasms that last up to 43 consecutive minutes!
At least, that’s the longest that I’ve measured…
Maybe your woman is capable of even more?
I’m excited for you to find out… because today you can, in the privacy of your own home…
With this 100% digitally delivered audio course.
What’s truly unique about TranceGasmsTM and what separates it from everything else out there…
Is that it DOESN’T rely on bolstering your skills or stamina in the bedroom.
You won’t need to contort your body into impossible positions that are more likely to pull a muscle than make her moan…
You don’t even need to add a single millimeter to your manhood…
With the push of a button, this powerful technology will make her heart flutter away with the Erotic Oscillation…
Forcing a deluge of hot, pumping blood into her pussy…
And making her so supernaturally aroused…
She Can’t Even Stop Herself From CLIMAXING Like A Boomerang…
Over And Over And Over Again!
TranceGasmsTM will be instantly delivered as a pair of 2 powerful hypnosis audios.
The tracks were painstakingly designed with the help of a licensed clinical therapist…
Lloyd spent months of his life and $1000s of his own money perfecting this program and making it just right.
What You’ll Learn In TranceGasms
And today, they’re available for instant download so you can give ANY woman an amusement park of full body orgasms unlike anything she’s ever felt…
And everything begins with:
Soul-Level Sexuality™
Making a woman orgasm so hard she practically loses consciousness is way more than just stimulating her bits…
Everything starts with connection, intimacy, and trust.
The proprietary Soul-Level Sexuality™ audio helps you sync up with ANY woman on the deepest level…
Making your hearts beat together with the same pulse… helping you read her body like a book…
So she literally FEELS the connection deep in her very bones
With this level of rapport, and intimacy you can lead her to deeper levels of trust…
Make her see you as her rock, her KING, the one man she can rely on no matter what…
So you can naturally and authoritatively ferry her to transcendent levels of pleasure she can’t even currently conceive of.
It’s the base layer of the TranceGasms™ series and sets the groundwork for all the fun stuff to come…
But it’s literally just the beginning!
Because the next audio is where the rubber really meets the road…
Orgasmic Oscillations™
This audio is the true heart and soul of the TranceGasmsTM series…
It’s what this program is all about.
Now that you can create deep, soul-level rapport with any woman on command…
You want to move on to tapping into her Erotic Oscillation so you can pulse her pussy with a torrent of blood flow.
Orgasmic Oscillations™ is your key to doing just that… all at the touch of a button!
You’ll soon be creating the exact HRV rhythms that cold, hard scientific research has proven…
… overwhelm her clit and labia with a tidal wave of Mega-orgasmic blood flow.
Say goodbye to needing 10 minutes of boring foreplay, or worrying if you can last long enough, or fretting over whether you have the magic moves to melt her loins…
The Orgasmic Oscillations™ audio takes care of all of that for you, automatically and at the touch of a button.
As an added bonus, this high-octane hypnotic audio will also help YOU enjoy more pleasure as well.
Get ready for the patented pulses to stimulate superior erections, longer and more satisfying orgasms, even faster recovery time!
So you can enjoy hours of epic, toe-curling pleasure that’s as life-changing for you as it will be for her.
But hey, don’t just take my word for it…
More courses from the same author: Lloyd Lester