Lean Bakker – Female sexual empowerment
This Female sexual empowerment course is for women who want to:
- Build a healthy relationship to their own bodies
- Connect to their ability to feel pleasure
- Enjoy vaginal orgasms
- Have hours-long full body orgasms
- maintain their ability to orgasm and feel pleasure while making love to their partner
What you will learn in this Female sexual empowerment course:
- You will learn how to have full-body orgasms and vaginal orgasms by yourself and when you are with your lover
- You will then learn how to bring your orgasmic self to your partner in love making
- Throughout the course, there are lessons for your male partner, teaching him how to support you in your pleasure
- Intimate massages for both women and men to regain awareness and sensitivity in the genitals
How it works:
- In the first 4 weeks of the course you work on your own to learn how to connect with your own body and how to switch on your own orgasm.
- In week 5 and 6 you connect with your lover, while staying present in your own body and pleasure.
Course curriculum
- Orgasm is…
- How to use this course
Module One, Week 1: Connecting to my body
- Module One – What you need to know
- Set your intentions
- Coming home with breath
- Reflection on breath
- Gravity sensation meditation
- Reflection on gravity and my body
- Four ways of sensing touching
- Reflection on touch
- Authenticity – What does my body ask for?
- Reflection on where my body wants to be touched
- Giving voice to my body
- Reflection on voice
- Conclusion
Module One, Week 2: Self love
- Week Two: What to expect
- Anointing ritual
- Reflection on Anointing Ritual
- Preparation for self-love
- Self-love ritual
- Reflection on self-love
- Making love to my inner body
- Making love to my inner body
- Reflection on loving my inner body
- Yoni gazing | Penis gazing
- Reflection on Yoni gazing | Penis gazing
- Conclusion
Module Two, Week 3 & 4: Meeting my vagina
- Week 3 & 4 : What to expect
- Orgasmic eating
- Reflection on orgasmic eating
- Gold from the clitoris/penis
- Reflection on your golden energy
- Yoni Love | Penis Love
- Reflection on Yoni Love | Penis Love
- Women: Receiving into my vagina
- Men: Become aware of ejaculation choice
- Reflection on receiving
- Women: Landscape of Sensation
- Men: A crash course in semen retention
- Reflection on the landscape of sensation
- Women: Dancing muscles of the vagina
- Men: A man’s perspective on ejaculation choice
- Reflection on the muscles of your vagina
- Conclusion
Module Three, Week 5: Seeing the divine in my partner
- Week 5: What to expect
- Emotional safety
- Giving and receiving touch
- Optional reflection on giving and receiving touch
- Anointing the divinity in my Lover
- Optional reflection on the couples anointing ritual.
- Lingam massage
- Yoni massage
- Reflection on the yoni massage and lingam massage
- Conclusion
Module Three, Week 6: Making love
- Week 6: What to expect
- Presence in oral sex
- Energetic love making
- Intercourse – Penetrating and receiving
- Vaginal orgasms
- Reflection on week 6: Making love
- Conclusion of Week 6
- The end – How much can you feel…
About Lean Bakker
I am Leán Bakker
Expert and Coach in Genital Orgasm & Full-Body Energetic Orgasms:
I am the most orgasmic person I know. My work as dancer, choreographer and Voice Movement Therapist has helped me to have a deep understanding of the way in which we connect with our bodies on a physical and emotional level. Through my own journey of healing, I had a massive full-body Kundalini and vaginal awakening in 2018. I guide people through the practical, physical steps that will connect them to their own orgasmic potential – in their genitals and through their whole body.
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