Hypnosis Audios – Stop Premature Ejaculation
How Hypnosis Can Stop Premature Ejaculation Ruining Your Sex Life
Last longer with hypnosis and get control over when you come
Is premature ejaculation making your sex life more anxiety-provoking than fun?
Have you forgotten how it would feel to be totally relaxed about sex and when you come?
How premature ejaculation works
Sex is supposed to be wonderfully pleasurable but if you are plagued by premature ejaculation, sex can become highly stressful.
Being with someone and not being able to pleasure them sexually, not to mention the humiliation, is awful no matter how understanding they may be.
This advanced premature ejaculation hypnosis session retrains your mind to be relaxed and in control of when you come.
What has caused the problem?
Early sexual experiences may have set the pattern for hurried, urgent sex. And because your brain is set up to procreate, this is received as an extremely urgent instruction. And one that is not easily forgotten.
The only cure for early ejaculation is for the unconscious mind to ‘update’ the pattern it uses for sexual performance.
How hypnosis can help you relax during sex
The reason that problems like premature ejaculation are difficult to tackle is that they are driven by the unconscious mind. And any efforts you make to cure it tend to be conscious ones.
Which is where hypnosis comes in. Hypnosis is the art of communicating with the unconscious mind and so we can use it to update the patterns that are causing you to come too early, relax your sexual response and generally take the pressure off.
Stop Premature Ejaculation is an advanced audio hypnosis session that will lead you through a powerful hypnotic rehearsal, preparing your mind and body.
As you relax and listen repeatedly to your session, you’ll notice that you:
- Update the old “hurry up” unconscious pattern
- Replace this with being relaxed about when you orgasm
- Be confident you can enjoy leisurely sex
- Start to look forward to sex again, without that old fear
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