Girls Chase – What She Really Means
What You’ll Learn In What She Really Means
Help me finally understand WHY she texts what she does — and know JUST what to text her back!
I’ll learn things like
- Simple 5-step “what to text her” formula
- Finally understand the “female texting mind”
- 4 ways to engage girls who don’t give much
- Easy ways to not get thrown by text curve balls
- Ways to re-spark girls’ fizzling texting interest
- 6 text-based signs of interest she sends
- Things you must AVOID doing over text
- Exactly when to schedule dates she’ll go on
- The correct response to a failed sexting attempt
- How to get to know her without acting “beta”
- When the right time to “booty text” her is
- Why girls go from “hot” to “cold” (+ what to do)
- Precisely how long to take to respond to her
With this book in-hand, I’ll have a “crystal ball” into the female texting mind that can make it all but impossible for girls to resist the things I text!
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