Fierce Marriage – 5 Habits That Will Transform Your Marriage (Online Course)
Based on our eBook with over 150,000 downloads, this short course will walk you through the power of five specific habits that, if tended to, can transform your marriage.
All habits have a compounding effect. As you stack small habits on top of one another, the end result multiplies, for better or for worse. Our hope is that for you, the changes you experience are in the right direction: toward Christ-centeredness and health!
What You’ll Learn In 5 Habits That Will Transform Your Marriage
In this course, you’ll…
- The biblical precedent for holy habit building
- Learn the 5 habits we’ve discovered that will transform your marriage
- Explore ways to find and replace harmful habits with better ones
- Take practical steps toward building healthier habits together as a couple
Videos, Worksheets, and More
5 Truths for a Healthy Perspective on Sex is a quick course that will re-establish your understanding of sex on its rightful biblical foundation.
Course participants should expect:
- 40 minutes of instruction
- Our 5 Habits of a Healthy Marriage eBook
- The 8 page PDF connection worksheet
- Instant access from any device
- Additional resources and recommended reading
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