Desi Casanova – How To Date Beautiful Women: An Indian Man’s Guide
Let’s get something straight right away – the obvious thing you already know:
It’s tough for Indian guys to get laid with hot girls, especially non-Indian girls.
I know this. You know this. The whole world knows this.
That’s why it’s so hard to find any practical advice that we can use. We are the forgotten men of the dating industry. It’s pretty likely you’ve already been ridiculed for even looking for advice. And that’s shitty because it’s every man’s right to get better with women. It’s our right to improve ourselves as men and try to take what we want from the world. So when I was ridiculed, I shrugged them off and got on with my mission – getting hot girls into my bed.
That’s why I (Bojangles of the 3 Bromigos) have written this beginners guide to picking up girls – tailor made for Indian men. I am Indian. I look Indian, I loves my country’s culture and I won’t ever turn my back on my heritage. And yet I am also a man who has been very successful in bedding hot women. For five years I’ve slept with beautiful women of every colour and from every continent.
It wasn’t always like this.
Like you, I once had beliefs which held me back and limited what I felt I could accomplish. Like you (perhaps), I lacked confidence around girls. Eventually I tired of it. I was tired of feeling that heavy weight on my shoulders, tired of feeling held back in achieving my dreams in the world of women. I once believe in the Bollywood version of romance – that there’s a soul mate for every man, if we can just find her.
What You’ll Learn In How To Date Beautiful Women: An Indian Man’s Guide
If you want to sleep with beautiful women, you must take action. I’ll show you the way.
What I will show you:
This is a guide on how you can become an attractive man.
- How to make women attracted to you
- How to talk to women at garba, weddings, bars, pubs and clubs
- How to date women
- Address your style
- Explain how Indian culture holds you back
- Address your hygiene
- Address all your issues from insecurities to a lack of an identiy
I’ve helped over a hundred men push past all their issues to become successful with women. Start your path of enlightenment with practical and theoretical advice from Desi Casanova. I’ve created the perfect guide for any Indian man, whether you’re a worker in Mumbai or you’re backpacking in Prague.
Learn exactly what you need to do to become the most attractive man around.
With this COMPREHENSIVE guide, we’ll work together to remove all those apprehensions, with an EASY to follow path to becoming a MASTER SEDUCER.
You’ll learn exactly what you need to know, to get the HOT women that YOU desire.
With over 100 pages of high quality advice!
Covering everything from fashion, to cutting-edge sexual escalation strategies, this is the DEFINITIVE guide for Indian men beginning their path from average guy to budding Casanova.
This guide won’t be available forever, so make sure you don’t miss out by getting your hands on it today!
More courses from the same author: Desi Casanova