Brent Philips – In Love For A Lifetime
Description Of In Love For A Lifetime
In Love for a Lifetime!
WARNING: This is NOT just another feel-good soul-mate program!
Use special binaural beats audio technology and embedded healing energy to release your subconscious blocks to love, intimacy, sex, and romance!
- Clear 306 of the most common subconscious blocks to love, intimacy, sex, and romance!
- Learn how to recognize the four signs that someone is your soul-mate
- Explore the three stages of enlightened relationships
- Master the five most common “love languages”
- Avoid the 3 most dangerous traps that ruin relationships and cause divorce, heart break, and loneliness
- Learn the 16 most important “DOs” and “DONTs” for find your soul-mate
- Uncover the #1 reason why most relationships are doomed to fail from the start
- Identify and clear the 6 most common fears that hold you back from finding true love
If you’re like me, you’ve been down that road before, and been disappointed with the results.
As a young person, we have romantic dreams of finding the Soulmate, the perfect partner who embodies all the qualities that we are looking for in the other half, that will make us complete. The focus is on “looks”, the perfect height, the perfect body, perfect hairand social status. We have several crushes and eventually meet someone like that, who is also interested in us, only to find out after the initial euphoria that what we thought Love was, didn’t turn out to be the happy feeling after all. We wonder how is it that all the others seem to be happy while we are miserable.
May be something was wrong with this person and we need to find another person to get it right. And so we go on, heartbroken for a while, picking up pieces and courage once again, and going through the same all over again.
Then we grow up into adulthood and there comes a stage where we discard these silly ideas of the perfect movie star like appearance of our romantic partner, and begin to focus on more “practical attributes”. So now it becomes important to have someone who is rich enough, has a great education, high-flying career, is stable etc. But then we find that all such people are already ‘taken’ and the ones that are available are ‘flawed’. If we are lucky enough to find that one person who has all these ‘attributes’ on our list and we get into a relationship with them, for most of us the rosy picture turns grey pretty soon.
So most of our lives we keep looking for that elusive “Soulmate”. Secretly, we have high expectations from this person – we expect this person to make us feel special and loved and in that person’s presence all our insecurities melt away and we are brought into a state where we feel confident in our skin and can take on the world and deal with the issues so to speak. Sometimes we do find that person and for a while thingsare great, but one of us grows faster than the other and the compatibility is lost, and instead of feeling secure, we start feeling insecure in that person’s presence and the search begins all over again.
So who exactly is a “Soulmate”
Does someone called a “Soulmate” actually exist?
What are the attributes of this “Soulmate” person?
How does one find them..?
Well, I have been trying to find those answers and found some very comforting answers in Paulo Coelho’s book “Brida”. One very logical question I had was – as the population grows, where do we get the extra souls needed to get into the newer babies being born? So the answer that came through that book was that “souls” sometimes divide into a male and a female and that is how the population of souls grows.
We can look into the romantic idea of Twin Flames here too, so this other half of our soul is what we are looking for our entire life. Now, this Twin Flame is a person exactly like us, so if we are not evolved enough, this person may actually make us miserable. You see that the special qualities that we think we have and are proud of, this other personhas them too, and the adulation that we may get from the rest of the world for our unique eye color, hair, or perfect voice may not come from the Twin Flame since they have those attributes too!
Quite confusing this is, all this “soulmate” and “twin flame” business, eh!
Well, this was for me too, until I listened to Brent Phillips program on ‘In Love for a Lifetime’
He clarified the concepts quite nicely and I am happy with the knowledge that there is nothing really wrong with me orthe world. It is actually possible to be madly, fully, completely happy and at peace with oneself and with a mate and with all the other people we are in relationships with.
It is not possible to share the entirety of his teachings in an article, so let me just share the crux, but first the most important attributes of a soulmate:
- This person is someone that we feel we have known for a long time even though we may have just met.
- We keep bumping into this person in what seems like a co-incidence.
- This person pushes our buttons strongly, either in a positive or even a negative way
So as you can see, more than one people can have these attributes, and here’s how:
- There is not just one soul mate for us, there are actually many. We have soul families, and people that we spend a lot of time with are quite likely from our soul families.
- Our parents and maybe our siblings are our soul mates too.
- Any person with whom we have a profound experience even if briefly, is a soulmate. For example a stranger that caused an accident that left us hurt gravely could be a soulmate that agreed to help us have that experience that had a hidden learning experience for us.
- A soulmate almost always helps us to grow, to remember who are originally are.
- In the form of a bad marriage, a soulmate may be a spouse who pushes us to find qualities like courage, dependence on our self, forgiveness, compassion, etc.
- A soulmate could be a best friend who allows us to vent everything that we may be feeling bad about and then helps us to feel good about ourself.
By the time you finish this program, you will find you have transformed both your conscious mind and your subconscious mind, and will be poised to finally be In Love for a Lifetime!
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