Bill Bauman – The Love Initiation
Do you want to experience the most tender and beautiful parts of your soul – where you know yourself as the limitless field of love – and then share your truest self with a beloved partner?
Are you ready to release your fears, defenses, contractions, and endless striving for improvement – and relax into a delightful dance of intimate, vulnerable and blessed relationship with others and life?
Have you tired of mere techniques, practices and theories, and want the straight transmission of truth from someone who KNOWS – and can communicate that knowing straight into your heart and soul?
Then The Love Initiation has been created just for you.
It’s a chance to transform your life and relationships by turning the ultimate spiritual key, the one that opens the door to the love that you already ARE.
In doing so, you’ll learn to adore, celebrate and honor your current or future beloved, as well as release long-held resentments, pain and judgments. You’ll open to more unconditional love in ALL your relationships, even the ones you find most challenging.
And most importantly, you will love all aspects of yourself more deeply, and bless the world from that place.
About Your Love Initiation
The Love Initiation will be deeply experiential and transformational. Most of all, it’s about drinking in and becoming LOVE itself – with its awesome power and grace – and being in awe as love nurtures you, expands you, and makes you a more dynamic lover of others and of life.
As you integrate this initiation, you’ll be more free to fall in love in the sacred ways you’ve only dreamed of. You’ll be invited to dramatic personal breakthroughs – moving from protecting your heart to letting it flow; from hiding in your comfort zone to being open and vulnerable; and from feeling separate and alone to feeling bonded and one with your partner.
While this course will focus primarily on intimacy with another person (a partner, a loved one, friends, etc.) – you can also apply what you experience and begin to embody to your relationship with yourself. Also, you need not be in an intimate relationship at this time in order to benefit strongly from this offering. Anyone who is courageous enough and willing to open to the truth of love will benefit from The Love Initiation.
This powerful, 7-module program is designed to initiate you step by step into activating a more whole, divine, loving current in your heart and your mind. The modules are based in part on the “11 Spiritual Principles for Truly Intimate Relationships” developed by Bill Bauman. By embracing and implementing these life-changing principles, you will invite love’s daring, power and beauty to fill every crevice of your humanity – so that only the purest love guides your intimate interactions in every moment.
After completing Bill Bauman’s initiation and integrating the shifts, you will:
- Deepen and heal your intimate relationships as you recognize the spiritual foundation of love that can shift the quality of your engagements
- Experience healing of any past pains and hurts from loving
- Awaken to your personal power to love – unconditionally and consistently
- Become a vessel for the love you desire – and be of true service to the world with joy and playfulness
- Dissolve your layers of conditioning that prevent you from accessing the creative love-force of the universe
- Let go of past personal and professional failures and step into the light of your unimaginable love and abundance
- Connect at a soul level with a spiritual community of like-minded people
- Know your ultimate nature, not as a concept, but an embodied daily experience
- Learn how to go beyond games, defenses and fears – to a steady, unconditional love in all your relationships
- Embrace the advanced stages of the spiritual journey
- Experience the source of infinite love and light that live in every cell of your body
- Learn how to avoid every urge or tendency to fix, heal or change your partner. Your only “job” in this relationship is to love, honor, adore and support your partner. Period!
What You’ll Learn in The Love Initiation
Module 1: Welcoming Love into Your Heart
We start our 7-module time together by jumping full-force into LOVE, and its exquisite beauty, immense power, infinite wonder and soft grace. We’ll open our hearts, and every other facet of our human nature, to drink in love’s full presence and tender embrace.
Bill Bauman will be the voice and guide of love’s gift-giving devotion – as you experience yourself being filled with, and renewed by, love itself.
From this experience, you will:
- Experience LOVE coming alive deeply within yourself – inviting you to a new relationship with it, and asking you to let go more deeply into its healing and empowering gifts
- Bond more strongly with your own HEART, where love now takes root and can blossom fully
- Enter into a new and devotion-centered agreement with love – one that allows love to take over the reins of your heart and to come alive asYOU
- Experience Bill’s bigger vision of intimacy – its meanings and purposes, its magic and possibilities, its importance and fulfillments
Our Spiritual Principle for this class: Be clear about the soulful truth of all your sacred relationships – their deep wisdom, their purposeful meaning in your life, their true invitations, etc. – and let that truth guide your every thought, feeling and action in relation to them.
Module 2: Letting Love Transform Your Past Hurts
We’ve all been hurt, often deeply or unbearably, by our daring attempts to love and be loved. In this module allow love, from its now sacred and official throne within your heart, to give you its first grace-filled gift – a true healing of that pain!
Yes, in our immersion in love, you’ll allow ourselves to open to love’s willingness and desire to put our emotional hurt and closed heart behind us, as it gives us the healing of or freedom from that pain that we’ve so longed for. As love’s “ambassador,” Bill Bauman will give voice to love’s powerful and radical transformation of your personal pain.
From this experience, you will:
- Open to the magical, mystical power of love to heal and transform anything
- Experience your past hurts and pains changing, in response to love’s gentle – yet deeply penetrating – touch
- Witness your heart moving from pain to power, from woundedness to aliveness, from timidity to confidence
- Understand more clearly love’s true nature and power – as the Universe’s essential creative force, as the heart of Creation – and as your personal tool for being re-created daily.
- Come to see that love is your most hidden, most powerful and most dependable personal power – if you only allow yourself to bond with it, become it and embody it
Our Spiritual Principle for this class: Always ask your heart (more than your mind) how it feels, and what it suggests in relationship to “x” aspect of your life (your partner, your circumstance, etc.) – especially if “x” aspect is bothering, irritating or concerning you.
Module 3: Infusing Love into Your Human Depths
At our core, the raw power of creation fills and moves us. Our human roots are a vital source of a creative power that we so often deny or repress, simply because we subconsciously fear it. Yet, if you allow love to come alive in our fiery depths, then you will have found a true key to dynamic living and loving – the unified power of heaven and Earth, light and dark, divine and human – alive and well right in your very personal depths.
Love will fill you so fully at this “bottom of the barrel” of your personal being that your depths will unify with your heart, and your primal power will blend with your divine love. Bill Bauman will help initiate you (or help you initiate yourself, if you will) into this unified field of love and power right at the center of your humanness – in your very gut-level, sub-cellular core. From there, love can achieve not only the deep personal healing you’ve needed, but the lasting freedom you’ve been craving. From there, you can begin to love with abandon.
From this experience, you will:
- Experience love actually taking root in your human core – coming alive in your personal depths – just as it has done (though quite differently) in your heart
- Witness love absorbing your primal, earthy power into its graceful embrace, transforming it into love-filled power and integrated “life force”
- Notice how your personal love and power behave once the “pull-and-tug” between them is lessened, once they have become a now unified force within you
- Have a radically new understanding of your primal power, and even have a loving relationship with this often misunderstood quality of your humanness
- Grasp and own your personal power in fresh ways, simply because you no longer experience it as separate from your love, or dangerous to your well-being
Our Spiritual Principle for this class: Remind yourself that, no matter what the interpersonal situation or drama between you and another person (or any aspect of life), it is you (not the other person, not life, not the circumstance) who needs to change, stretch, grow, give, expand, etc. The other person’s processes or changes are literally none of your business. The power to make these changes happen is alive within you.
Module 4: Allowing Love to Take Dominion in You
With love now living in your heart, continually healing your pain and alive in your core, you’re ready to take the next big leap – saying a powerful “yes!” to love’s invitation to become YOU ever more fully! In this module, we all literally invite love to take us over – not in a hostile or controlling way, but in a loving, intimate, bonding, self-empowering way.
In this module, we will actually “give ourselves to love” (as the famous song has been imploring us to do), “let go and let love”, and let your identity become love itself. With Bill’s and our group’s support, you can now become the love we were born to be. How glorious!
From this experience, you will:
- Give yourself to love, become love, allow love to take over your every process, and invite love to awaken you in every way
- Allow love to re-create you anew, from the bottom up and from the top down – creating, for example, new neural pathways in your brain, innovative energetic breakthroughs in your magnetic field, and fresh openings in your love-prone heart
- Experience a “different feeling” personal strength – one that gives you the power and confidence to love more boldly, and more unconditionally
- Understand what it is like to be a human being taken over by love – to experience yourself as love, first and foremost – then to perceive your humanness as a natural extension of that love
- Become the human being you were born to be – a true “love child” of creation, with a calling to spread love generously within yourself, and unconditionally all around you
Our Spiritual Principle for this class: Remind yourself that, spiritually and subconsciously, you chose your partner’s (and life’s) seeming idiosyncrasies, imbalances, inadequacies and insecurities (as well as his/her/its wondrous and magnificent aspects) so that you would have the privilege of learning unconditional love. Commit yourself to learning this “graduate” version of love – the unconditional version – and do so in this relationship.
Module 5: Expanding Love into Intimate Relationships
Now you’re ready – ready to let your internally alive love move out and express itself in the world around you. Yes, you’re ready to love someone else – or whatever aspect(s) of life call you – fully. You’re ready to become truly intimate – to step out beyond your earlier comfort zone, and experience love’s magic in action.
With the grace-filled blessing of this session, you’ll find yourself empowered to love without reserve, to love with confidence, and to love with your whole being. What a blessing!
From this experience, you will:
- Become your boldest loving Self – powerfully loving yourself, your partner and life
- Own the power of your heart’s love, and enliven it in your intimate relationship
- Dedicate yourself to your unique approach to intimacy – one that is now your “gift”
- Embrace more selfless, other-empowering styles of loving and living
- Learn to listen to, honor and respect your partner – without ego or need
- Begin to perfect the fine art of “soul bondedness” and its hidden powers
Our Spiritual Principle for this class: No matter what, avoid every urge, need or temptation to fix, heal, change or otherwise insert yourself into the learning/growth process of the other person. Your only “job” in this relationship is to love, honor, adore, support and believe totally in your partner (she/he then does the rest).
Module 6: Taking the Leap: Stepping Boldly into Unconditional Intimacy
Unconditionality! It’s now your time to embrace this most desirable quality of love, this most noble of ideals. No matter how problematic your previous experiences of love may have been, and no matter how loving may have hurt you in the past, infinite love is ready to give you its most coveted gift – unconditional love.
Your personal ego, now ready to part with its pains and wants, will give way to the joy of selfless love. Even if your personal need to be fully loved hasn’t been fulfilled, love will transform that need into its next level of fulfillment – unconditional love. Initiated into love’s unconditionality, you can now experience intimacy – with yourself, your partner and everything – in a truly joyous way. You’ve now stepped boldly into love’s ultimate gift.
From this experience, you will:
- Think unconditionality, feel unconditionality and express unconditionality
- Find your own inner strength to be unconditionally loving – no matter what
- Learn a new model of spiritual mastery, as you give your life to intimacy
- Commit yourself to taking full responsibility for your feelings, needs and desires in relation to everyone you love
- Allow pure, unconditional love to break through any, and all, obstacles
- Become your own source of loving – from your unconditionally loving heart
Our Spiritual Principle for this class: Move beyond all personal expectations, needs or desires in relation to your partner. Love, yet do not expect love in return. Give, but don’t look for your beloved to give back to you. Take care of your own perceived emotional and physical needs, rather than looking for your partner to take care of them.
Module 7: Making Your Whole Life About Expressing Love’s Blessings
Love is simply hardwired to bless. It is naturally primed to splash itself around everywhere with its unlimited blessings. Its very nature and purpose are to bless you and all of us, over and over, from morning to night – every minute of every day. Love has no choice but, you guessed it, to love: unconditionally, with grace, with intimate feeling and compassion, with true forgiveness and power.
Love, left to its own devices, will heal us – empowering us and awakening us in every way we allow. Now that you have been initiated into love itself, you will embrace this bigger identity and role: “I am love and I am the expresser of love’s gifts!” You will begin to dispense love’s blessings everywhere you roam in your life. Yes, with this new “calling,” you will have become the very love you’ve been seeking.
From this experience, you will:
- Claim, own and enjoy your expanded identity as love’s emissary of blessings
- Experience the power of love’s intimacy-oriented blessing: to create miracles, remove obstacles and/or re-enliven a relationship
- Create your own life anew – both personally and in your intimate relationships – as a pro-active expresser of love’s blessings
- Find personal fulfillment at a whole new level of living – not primarily as a taker or receiver of love’s gifts, but as a giver and transmitter of them
- Center your life and relationship(s) on pure, unconditional and powerful love as you have never done before
Our Spiritual Principle for this class: Remind yourself regularly that real intimacy is never about your being right, being in charge or being seen as intelligent. It’s only and always about your being loving – period. Yes, loving – period.
Our Final Spiritual Principle for the entire course: Feel and express gratitude for the blessing that your partner (your circumstance, life itself, etc.) is to you every day – both internally (expressed to yourself) and externally (expressed to your partner).
About Bill Bauman
Bill Bauman is a noted trainer, speaker, motivator and empowerer of people. He has spent his adult life serving many professional roles: that of a priest, psychotherapist, psychological and business consultant, empowerment specialist, transformational leader, entrepreneur, peace advocate and spiritual visionary of life’s possibilities. Through decades of inspiring and loving service, he has brought a dynamic message of hope, a proven approach to change, and a true excitement about life’s possibilities into the lives of thousands of people.
Bill Bauman was a Catholic priest in the 1960s, a practicing psychologist from the 1970s to the 1990s, a business consultant and leader throughout the 1980s and 1990s, a noted leader in the peace movement throughout the 1990s, and a strong spiritual leader from the 1980s to the present. Currently, Bill has combined these many systems into a dynamic and life-changing approach that is unique to him.
With a doctorate in Counseling Psychology, a Master’s degree in Theology, and a Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy, Bill Bauman embraces life from a broad perspective and expansive vision. Thousands of people have attended Bill’s seminars on personal empowerment, dynamic leadership, love and relationships, personal and spiritual growth, and empowered healing – which he has led nationally and internationally over the past 30 years. He has given hundreds of growth-oriented seminars, trainings and presentations to groups of every size.
A proven entrepreneur, Bill Bauman started and led three profitable private businesses – a management consulting firm, a holistic health center and a treatment center for learning disabilities, as well as his own successful private practice as a psychologist. Also, with his adored wife Donna, he founded and led two non-profit organizations – Washington, DC’s World Peace Institute (through the 1990s) and The Center for Soulful Living (through the 2000s).
Bill Bauman is a celebrated leader of leaders, recognized healer of healers, and dedicated servant of world servers. His generosity of heart and inclusiveness of all worlds attract many people to join him in his creative vision and committed service to our human world.
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