Christian McQueen – The Alpha Playboy Part 2 & Text Game
Description Of The Alpha Playboy Part 2 & Text Game
You’ve finally landed that quality hottie and you decide that you want to keep her around for awhile. Does this mean the game is over? Absolutely Not.
From Christian McQueen, the man that brought you The Alpha Playboy comes the second installment in the series for men aspiring to the playboy lifestyle.
The Alpha Playboy Part Two: Daygame + Relationship Game.
I decided to write this sequel due to the many inquiries I’m bombarded with on a constant basis. Men who have put in the work and finally had sex with stunning women for the first time in their lives, but were still unsure how to keep these women beyond the casual phase.
Lots of guys want to learn game to eventually meet one girl to get into a long-term relationship with. Totally cool and this book shows you:
- How to keep her interested.
- How to keep her attraction and attention without devoting all of your energy and time into her.
- SECRETS for players to have healthy LASTING relationships with beautiful women.
- You’ll be taught how to deal with ‘competition’ from other men and how to NOT be constantly worried about her cheating.
There are precise ways you must handle a high quality woman and if you get it wrong, you will lose her forever. I’ve gone through the love and loss with beautiful women in the past and learned a lot from the experiences through trial and error. I wish there was someone there standing over my shoulder to tell me then what I know now. Well, I’m giving you just this opportunity now. To learn from my years of expertise and avoid having to figure it all out from scratch.In ADDITION to relationship game I’ve decided to share my DAY GAME strategy.
While nightclubs are prime grounds to find fast, casual encounters, many quality women rarely if ever go to clubs. Where do you meet these hot girls that don’t like to grind on random cock every weekend? You meet them out in the real world. It’s indispensable to know how to meet and seduce women outside the night zone environment.
Once you’ve put my DAY GAME strategy to use, you’ll NEVER be at a loss for what to do and say when that hottie is walking your way in the store aisle. I give you all the tools you need to be a successful day gamer. EVERYTHING you need to know about remaining an ALPHA frame in a relationship and to start successfully approaching in day situations is right here.An ENTIRE 21 CHAPTERS dense with techniques and knowledge you won’t find anywhere else.
Christian McQueen – Text Game PDF Download
Due to demand, I decided to write a Text Messaging Guide that breaks down exactly what Text Game is all about and how to utilize technology that’s not going anywhere.
I proudly present The Player’s Guide To Text Game!
Years ago, it was common to pick up the phone and call a girl to set up a date. Well, that’s all changed and the need to speak on the phone is no longer needed. Text is a huge part of communication in our current age and learning exactly how to do it effectively, is important for Game success.
Without bragging too much, I consider myself pretty damn good at Text Messaging Game. Having worked for years promoting and club hosting, knowing exactly WHAT to text is key for getting people to do what I want. When making money depended to a certain degree on whether they responded to my texts or not, you can believe I perfected the art of creating texts that called people to action.
Competing with other promoters and hosts who are sending texts to the same girls, caused me to utilize Game in my texts. By not following the ‘sheep’ and their mass blasts, I learned how to write texts that girls WANTED to respond to. Big Difference.
Your 69-page (didn’t plan on that number, it just happened haha!) The Player’s Guide To Text Game e-book, is available for immediate download in PDF format.
Handy enough to consult on the go and stuffed full of real-world text responses you can start using right this second!
Here’s the Table of Contents so you know exactly what you’re about to get:
Christian McQueen – Text Game Table Of Contents
- Text Game 101
- Start Up Texts
- Time Constraints
- Sample Responses To Common Texts From Girls
- How To Get Her To Send Naked Pics
- Stale Prospects: How To Re-Connect Through Text
- The Rules Of A Player Sending Pics
- ‘The Morning After’ Text Examples
- How To Create Distance Through Text
- Protecting Your Phone From Your Harem
- How To Create Jealousy In Your Girls Through Text
- Conclusion
- PLUS I also added 3 Sample Chapters from my other best-selling e-books: The Alpha Playboy, The Nightclub Bible:The Authority On Picking Up Women In Clubs and Stripclub Bible: The Authority On Picking Up Strippers as a BONUS at the end of the book!
- Sample Chapter: The Alpha Playboy
- Sample Chapter: The Nightclub Bible
- Sample Chapter: The Stripclub Bible
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