Chris Jackson – Most Common Mistakes Woman Make When Men Do Not Call
Description Of Most Common Mistakes Woman Make When Men Do Not Call
Sadly, but it has happened to most of us. You meet a great man. You start dating, and whether it’s only one date or twenty one, but you just can’t help but think he may be the one. You start fantasizing about him and making all kinds of plans in your head that include this great man you’ve met. You start thinking about what it would be like to go on an extended trip together, or invite him to an upcoming party. Or, perhaps, you have already introduced each other to friends and relatives.
Perhaps you have already gone on an extended trip together, or just a simple weekend getaway. And you’ve had lots of laughs and shared great times together! And you were even starting to plan for the future in your mind. And then bam! All of a sudden he disappears on you! Maybe he is starting to call you less, or just stops calling altogether. And you just can’t understand why someone would do this to you. And you want to fix this…
About Chris Jackson
Chris Jackson was a typical emasculated adult male – a product of being raised in a society where men are no longer taught how to be men, a society where in fact men are programmed to act in ways that are anything but masculine. Three very painful events, starting in adolescence and culminating in the loss of his wife-to-be, provided him with the motivation to learn how to attract and keep high-value women.
Chris resolved that he would do whatever it took to accomplish this goal, and have his personal story of the ups and downs he experienced as he persisted in his efforts…. which are chronicled in not months but years. This is one of the most strongest pickup artists what I know.
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