Lloyd Lester – The Pleasure Portal With Bonuses (Special Offer)
Description Of The Pleasure Portal
How To Own A Woman’s Erotic Imagination In 2 Simple Steps
It’s a 100% digitally delivered training system designed to do one thing…
Help you sexually brainwash ANY woman in the world!
Naturally, ethically, and in a way that she’ll even THANK YOU for.
You might not know it, but women are DYING to feel this kind of connection and chemistry…
She just needs the right man who can trigger these naughty fantasies…
And deliver the sheet-soaking sexual thrills she secretly craves.
Up until now, you were clueless about how to do this…
How you could possibly bridge her inner erotic needs…
Tickle her curiosity… and get her thinking about you in a sexual way.
You had no idea how to make her squirm with intense and urgent desire…
Until she’s BEGGING you to give her the deep dicking she so desperately hungers for.
But now, you can finally be the man to tap into her hidden fantasies, probe her naughtiest needs…
… and unleash the inner animal inside of her that’s eager to come out and play.
Once you’ve got this down…
Getting all the hot, sweaty sex you can handle is like shooting fish in a barrel.
What You’ll Learn In The Pleasure Portal
It could all be yours, in just 2 very easy steps…
Your journey will begin with module 1 of The Pleasure Portal™ system…
Verbal Foreplay
Verbal Foreplay is a series of 7 sexualized speech patterns that light her up with lust.
They’re so stealthy, there’s no chance they’ll trigger her resistance…
Yet, they’re so powerful they’ll bathe her brain in a cocktail of powerful pleasure chemicals.
Here’s a sample of what you’ll discover inside:
- How to trigger her “arousal archetype” – only men who speak like THIS can stimulate her inner sexual longing (Page 5)…
- How to navigate her “desire minefield” – 96% of men are killing her attraction with ONE common mistake. Are you one of them? (Page 7)…
- The “inside out” rapport secret that practically forces her to soak through her panties. Hint: stop trying to “be sexy” and start doing this instead. (Page 8)…
- The one “flirting faux pas” that turns hot and heavy dirty talk into awkward silence — avoid this like herpes ‘cuz it’s way worse for your sex life. (Page 10)…
- Think women value communication? Think again – research shows a 5-fold increase in her brain’s #1 pleasure molecule by switching to this instead. (Page 17)…
- Send her this “Sexual Wonderland Sequence” through text or email and take her mind on an erotic journey she secretly dreams of (Page 28)…
- The Pleasure Persona – use this “roleplay on steroids” routine to get her to see you as the hot older boy she has a crush on (Page 19)…
Now that you’ve tapped into pleasure pathways in her brain…
And you can rouse her inner sexual animal to life…
It’s time for the next step in opening her Pleasure Portal™ where you’ll discover how to create…
Desire On Demand
If Verbal Foreplay is the match… Desire On Demand is the dynamite.
One little spark is all it will take to ignite apocalyptic levels of arousal.
Soon, she’ll meet you in the bedroom wearing nothing but a thong…
Dripping wet and ready for you to ravish her until she EXPLODES!
It all starts with…
- The Sexual Two Step – a brain-dead easy way to guarantee you get faster, more frequent and hotter sex starting TONIGHT (Page 4)…
- Make her follow your Love Trail all the way to the bedroom, but don’t skip the first essential step (Page 8)…
- How to develop a sexy scent that makes you irresistible to her before you even open your mouth. Forget colognes, soaps, or “pheromone sprays” and do this instead (Page 9)…
- The Psychic Pleasure Principle that blasts her private lady bits with a jolt of pleasure without laying a single finger on her. Yes really, and no this isn’t some “new age” nonsense. It’s real science! (Page 16)…
- This 10-minute daily habit floods your body with 3 potent compounds that make her thighs part like the Red Sea. And no, none of them is testosterone. (Page 13)…
- Use this “Because It’s Tuesday” routine to make her pussy ache to feel you inside of her. It’s fast and powerful (Page 14)…
- Danger And Play – How to combine risk and safety to make her stain her panties with anticipation (Page 41)…
- How to use subtle hints to reshape her sexual impulses and ratchet up her libido 100%, 200%, even 300% or more (Page 32)…
- Why women love erotica, and how to use its linguistic powers to dose her brain with pleasure hormones even if you failed English (Page 34)…
- Why Fresh Baked Cookies, Baby Powder and Cucumbers can make your bedroom the wettest place on earth. Nope, you won’t have to raid the refrigerator… just follow these 3 simple steps (Page 19)…
And so much more…
If I were to list off every tip, every trick, every proven way to own a woman’s sexual imagination…
To be the star of every sexual fantasy she’s had since she was a boy-crazy teenager…
… we’d be here all day.
But there’s another reason why Lloyd insisted that these secrets be unveiled to the world…
Already, Over 28,500 Men Have Discovered The Power Of Lloyd’s Expertise…
Lloyd’s Throwing In A Couple Of Extra Goodies For You…
Just For Saying “YES!” To Unlimited Sexual Power Today…
First, you’ll be getting a powerful companion training I call…
The Verbal Vibrator ($47 value)
Imagine making a woman addicted to your voice…
Imagine every syllable you speak makes her tingle with anticipation…
Imagine you could drive pleasure into her body by simply using the right emotionally influential language?
Even if you don’t have a rich, natural baritone or even a pleasant sounding tone.
In this powerful bonus, Lloyd’s going to unveil his fool-proof formula…
… to make her vagina vibrate with pleasure using nothing but the power of your words.
Here’s a taste of what you’ll discover:
Simple language patterns that sneak into the desire centers of her mind and leave her breathless with every word you utter (Page 6)…
- How to activate naturally seductive vocal tones that can bring her to the brink of orgasm. Use these in the bedroom… at the bar… or on a date and she’ll be putty in your hands (Page 7)…
- The Pleasure Triggers – Simple, spoken “keywords” that snap her mind into a rabidly horny state on command (Discover them starting on Page 9)…
Your second bonus is a little something I call…
The Dawn Of Desire ($47 value)
In this special report you’ll discover how to sneak into her mind and plant seeds of desire that blossom into full-blown fantasies.
Unleashing urgent arousal that she’ll “know” only you can fulfill.
- Rolling Boil Reverie – Bring her naughtiest fantasies alive and make her project them onto you by slowly ratcheting up the heat on your conversation (page 5)…
- The Big Chill – Get her to feel so supernaturally comfortable around you that all her inhibitions simply melt away (page 6)…
- The Naughty Ventriloquist – Drop the dirtiest, most taboo topics into conversation by making it something “someone else said”. This is a powerful way to get her thinking naughty thoughts without coming off like a creep (page 8)…
- Silly Sexy – Get her in the mood with this light and playful strategy she can’t resist (page 14)…
- The Dirty Unicorn – Project the traits of the impossibly rare man who oozes sexuality without neediness (page 17)…
Your third bonus is called…
Uncover Her Pleasure Paradigm ($47 value)
Discover the hidden themes that drive her deepest desires…
So you can bring out a naughty side of her sexuality that she’s never shared with any other man.
You’ll discover secrets like…
- A quick method to untangle her hangups and make her naturally receptive to more pleasure in the bedroom (Page 6)…
- A foreplay formula that opens up new neural pathways in her brain… so she brings her “inner slut” out to play in the bedroom (Page 15)…
- 3 different eye positions that naturally activate the emotional centers of her mind. Now you can switch on new states of consciousness with nothing but suggestive eye contact…
- How to untie the “internal knots” that keep her from treating you to the naughty sex acts you only see in porn flicks (page 14)
- Bite Sized Pleasure – How to introduce her to the new and naughty adventures you want to share “one bite at a time” (page 18)…
More courses from the same author: Lloyd Lester