Belah Rose – Masterclass: What’s Holding You Back From Your (Godly) Sexiness
Be Truly Confident In Intimacy!
Maybe you’re in this place of wanting to be all that God wants you to be in intimacy, but you KNOW there are things in your heart holding you back.
What’s truly holding you back from embracing your sexiness in the bedroom? Is it fear? Your personality? Maybe you’re just unsure about what exactly you need to do? Here you’ll find specific actions and mindset changes that you can implement so you’ll overcome your fears and discover your God-given sexiness!
My encouragement is sit down with a pen and paper and make notes of the new insights gained and then let them sink in. There are powerful insights that need reflection and time to really move you to the next step in your marriage and intimacy.
You won’t catch them all the first time through. Take time to let it seep in and truly change your perspectives.
What You’ll Learn In Masterclass: What’s Holding You Back From Your (Godly) Sexiness
Course Curriculum
- Masterclass Video (40:35)
- What’s Holding You Back From Living In Your (Godly) Sexiness
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